Wei Qin achieved 255 for his PSLE which is way higher than what we expected. Super impressed with what you managed to achieve with my boy.
— Carrie, Mother of Wei Qin
Sarah scored A* in English and Science. She got 252 and will continue on in St. Nicks! Very glad we trusted your ‘secret strategy’. Grateful to the teacher(s) for your magic!
— Mother of Sarah
I send my boys for Math, Science and English tuition with Think Teach. Both improved from C to A from CA2 to SA2 for Math and Science. And B to A for English!
— Mrs Chee
Dominic got 88/100 for his SA2. He topped his class in Chongfu so my Hubby also very pleased!
— Mrs Lin, Mother of Dominic



The art of communications starts with a strong grasp of language. From foundationals to intricacies, the Think Teach English language syllabus hones the student’s flair and command of the language.

Key components of the MOE syllabus such as Composition, Comprehension, Close Passage, Oral, Grammar, Vocabulary and Synthesis & Transformation, are well covered and evenly focused on through Think Teach’s weekly lessons.

Students enrolled in the GEP and fellow high-achieving students will be identified for further stimulation of their linguistical expertise through exposure to higher-level materials and a broader spectrum of subject matter.



Tackling complicated sums are always never too difficult with expert guidance by our teachers. 

Aligned with MOE’s vision for the development of a highly-skilled and well-educated manpower to support an innovation- and technology-driven economy, Think Teach nurtures students to have a strong grounding in Mathematics.

Through our Primary Mathematics programme , students are provided an excellent vehicle to train the mind, and to develop the capacity to think logically, abstractly, critically and creatively.

Students enrolled in the GEP and fellow high-achieving students will be exposed to higher-level heuristic approaches and real-life scenarios that will challenge their problem-solving skills.



In the spirit of scientific inquiry, Think Teach provides strong coaching in the MOE-identified three integral domains of (a) Knowledge, Understanding and Application, (b) Skills and Processes and (c) Ethics and Attitudes.

Issues and questions that relate to the roles played by science in daily life, society and the environment are often brought up in lessons, bringing the wondrous world of Science to our students.

Students enrolled in the GEP and fellow high-achieving students will be challenged to further apply their knowledge to everyday issues, and develop solutions to higher-order learning questions.


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Holiday Intensives

Our Holiday Supplementary Programmes are focused and succinct lessons aimed at helping students achieve faster and greater improvements in short periods of time. Students will be taught patented techniques and strategies for tackling various subject components.

PSLE English Composition: One Storyline Method (P5-6)

Our patented One Storyline Method is every primary school student’s tried and tested answer to consistently score 35 and more for composition. Learn a few creative storylines and how to use them to write compositions from a wide range of topics. Your child will never say he can’t think of a story to write again!   

PSLE Science Experimental Set-up Answering Templates (P5-6)

Learn a systematic way to answer experimental set-up questions that take up around 10 marks in Booklet B. These are effective answering techniques and templates used by A* science students to score high for Science application questions.

PSLE Math Visual Thinking and Patterns Recognition Mastery (P5-6)

Visual Thinking and Pattern Recognition is the ability to see order in a chaotic environment; the primary condition for life. At Think Teach, we have developed a framework to help students approach such questions by training your child’s logical, verbal, numerical and spatial abilities. This approach has helped many of our students tackle these challenging questions confidently during their PSLE.

Mock Examinations

Mock examination papers for all 3 subjects are also administered every year during the September holidays. Set above average PSLE standards with spotted questions, these mock examination sessions are in high demand and always fully subscribed. During a normal session, papers will be marked and students will be given a comprehensive review shortly after finishing them.